Welcome to honey! honey is a free, hackable, ethical-source 3D game engine that runs on Windows and Linux. It is licensed under the Anti-Capitalist Software License.
A core goal of honey is to provide an accessible, modifiable 3D game engine, and so to that end honey is and always will be available free of cost to individuals, cooperatives, nonprofits, and educational institutions.
honey comes in two components: the honey core, a Lua interpreter written in C that provides bindings for OpenGL, cglm, and other useful libraries; and the honey standard library, a set of Lua scripts built on top of the honey core that we believe makes creating games straightforward and enjoyable. However, because so much of honey is written in Lua, you can change almost anything about it without even needing to recompile.
Traditional open-source applications can be used by anyone, for any reason, which we agree sounds fantastic! Unfortunately, this openness is easily abused, and we believe that the goals of the open-source movement (such as the democratization of software production or the freedom to do what one likes with the software they possess) are better served by licenses that are more specific about the use cases we consider unacceptable. To that end, honey is licensed under the Anti-Capitalist Software License. In a nutshell, this means that individual people, casual groups, cooperatives, nonprofits, and educational institutions are free to use honey for any purpose (except the production of software for police or military applications). If your organization is not one of those groups, send us an email and we may be able to work out a custom license for you.
The honey standard library is still in the early stages and subject to significant changes. The bulk of development effort is being focused there. If you're interested in helping out, that may be a good place to jump in!
The honey core is nearly complete, with only a few gaps remaining in the binding coverage for OpenGL and miniaudio (and requiring a hefty dose of documentation to go with all of it). Here's what the core currently offers:
- logging
- glfw
- opengl
- opengl state
- shaders
- image loading
- OBJ mesh loading
- nanovg vector graphics
- vector drawing
- font loading
- font rendering
cglm bindings
- vec3
- vec4
- mat3
- mat4
- quaternions
- camera functions
- utility functions
- ODE physics & collision
- miniaudio
honey is still in a pre-alpha state, so there aren't any releases, but you can check out the repositories!